Industrial Park of Stravolagkadas

Stravolagkada was one of the six loading stations of emery on Naxos. Nowadays a systematic effort is being made to restore the landscape, maintain the footpaths, renovate the buildings and restore the facilities of emery in order to create the "Industrial Park of Stravolagkadas", which will include:

  • Small one-storey buildings.
  • Accommodation areas of workers and engine rooms which will be renovated in order to accommodate students of environmental science and students who want to learn about mining and other geological aspects.
  • Trails that connected the buildings to the workshops.
  • The wagons and the railways that carried the emery.
  • New water tanks for an eco-friendly irrigation system.
  • Four repositories of emery depending on its quality.
  • Temporary piles of emery on the streets waiting to be loaded and transported.
  • 25 mines and exploration tunnels.

You can reach the Industrial Park by car if you follow the road that starts from the provincial road of Koronos - Lyona.

Further information you will find here: Website of the Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades.

Koronos, Naxos